Food for Madagascar: 24 in 24

Food for Madagascar: 24 in 24



  • About

£24,000 in 24 days: our latest challenge.

Southeast Madagascar continues to struggle with dire food insecurity caused by the worst drought since the 1980s, the ongoing effects of COVID-19, and rising food prices. Since 2021, SEED has been working closely with communities to identify those most in need and distribute food. Our recovery rate from malnutrition is over 90%, and indications are that our work has helped with not only the immediate issues of child malnourishment, but also long term nutrition knowledge and family planning.

We had planned to do a last round of food distribution in May while we transition to our Recovery & Resilience Programme, incorporating projects that emphasising long-term recovery and greater community resilience. Unfortunately we have an urgent short-fall in budget so we’re hoping to raise the remaining £24,000 before the end of the month to enable this last round of emergency food distrubution.

Over the next 24 days, we will be asking for any support that you can give and, if you would consider sharing this appeal with your family, friends and network. Thank you for your generosity and helping us support communities in the southeast of Madagascar.